Coffee was introduced to England
…there is not a single soul who on quitting the house does not believe himself four times wittier than when he entered it (Montesquieu: Persian Letters, Letter XXXVI). Abstract Coffee was introduced to England by Pasqua and Jacob, the two Ottoman citizens. After the introduction of coffee and establishment of coffee-houses
The Women’s Petition Against Coffee Is 17th Century Spiciness
In the Women’s Petition, the supposed wives of coffee-drinkers bemoaned the fact that coffee-drinking was such an intellectual, effeminate pastime that it had rendered their husbands impotent and “as unfruitful as those deserts whence that unhappy berry is said to be brought.” (Coffee-growing lands are generally very rich and fertile). “For
A Broad-side against COFFEE; Or, the Marriage of the Turk
COFFEE, a kind of Turkish Renegade, Has late a match with Christian water made; At first between them happen'd a Demur, Yet joyn'd they were, but not without great stir; For both so cold were, and so faintly met, The Turkish Hymen in his Turbant swet. Coffee was cold as Earth,
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